
4 years

Starting Date


Tuition Fee

€15,000 per year


Maynooth, Ireland

The programme

These include robots, autonomous vehicles, smart sensors, and internet-of-things devices. In the modern world, many of these things are the basis for brand new services or service improvements in areas such as health and wellbeing, assistive living, safety, smart manufacturing, retail, and hospitality, among others.

In addition to strong software skills, students completing the degree in Robotics and Intelligent Devices will develop strong competencies in systems and knowledge of how systems fit together, through areas such as electronic hardware design, signal processing, and system control.

Blending Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, we focus on adding intelligence to every day systems and developing robots that can interact with humans and our environment. Through project work, students will explore robotics and intelligent devices and may focus their project work throughout the programme in a specific area of their interest or blend thematic areas.

Career Options

Possible graduate roles may include robotics engineer, software engineer/developer, embedded systems engineer/developer, intelligent systems architect, and intelligence analyst.

Students of this programme will benefit from a work placement opportunity in their 3rd year and a portfolio of projects to show to potential employers.

Once a student has completed the degree in Robotics and Intelligent Devices they may continue their education in Maynooth through postgraduate studies and PhD programmes.

Courses Included

  • Students complete a number of modules common with year 1 Electronic Engineering (5 credits each & 1 7.5 credit ) & 2 Computer Science modules (7.5 credits each)
  • Over semester 2 students work on a project module titled Robotics Systems (7.5 credits)
  • There is a transfer pathway from first year MH306 Robotics & Intelligent Devices to second year MH304 Engineering. Students must attain 50% in Mathematics and pass the year. There is no limit on places.

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