
4 years

Starting Date


Tuition Fee

€15,000 per year


Maynooth, Ireland

The programme

As a student of the Product Design (Marketing and Innovation) program at the Maynooth University, you will learn to harness your creative, artistic, and problem-solving skills. You will also gain a relevant understanding of technology and materials, and a sensitive awareness of human needs and behaviour through user-centred design. You will learn to combine these abilities to create products that satisfy, even delight, users. You will acquire an understanding of Product Design from both an engineering and a marketing point of view.

You will learn from accomplished designers and design entrepreneurs – people who have experience designing in sports equipment, medical devices, user interfaces and consumer electronics and homeware – as well as having impeccable academic credentials.

Career Options

Graduates understand and drive innovation in many spheres of life, especially those involving design and technology, its application or assessment. Consider career areas such as product design, interaction design, medical device design, furniture design, technical marketing, customer development and user experience, new product development, design management, technology business management and many other design disciplines.

Courses Included

  • Computer Aided Design Visualisation
  • Design History & Culture
  • Financial Accounting For Non-accountants
  • Manufacturing Processes
  • Marketing Management
  • Societal Challenges & Service Innovation

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